Friday, 7. March 2025    


15. Last Emperor

Version: 2nd draft Task:
  • Follow Unuratu
  • Reach the Tomb of Sinchi Chiqa
  • Explore the Tomb of Sinchi Chiqa
  • Defeat the Cultist warriors
  • Find Jonah
Region: The Hidden City

Follow Unuratu

Look around the prison cell.
Document (31/42): On a bench behind the burning chalice you will find the document In Name Only from the artifact collection "The Resistance" (5/9). You are rewarded with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Now find the weak wall on the northern side and use the axe to pry it open. Squeeze through.
Lara and Unuratu talk to Etzli and Jonah via the radio. Lara hops down to a lower ledge.
Stand beneath the rope coil and tether it to the rope coil across the stream. Slide down. Lara grabs the ledge. Traverse along it to the left. At the left end a cultist will appear atop the ledge. Climb up the ledges and then perform a stealth takedown on him. Pull up. In front of you you can grab some feathers, and further along, down to the right is a perception plant. On the left by the barricaded passage is a resource container, rewarding you with +15 XP. Turn right and step out onto the jutting wooden ledge. From here jump ahead and use the grapple axe to attach to the craggy overhang. Climb up. Climb the ledges up and to the left to where you can stealth takedown another cultist. After Unuratu takes down the second and shoots another one on the bridge, you can continue playing.
Document (32/42): Turn around and head up. Follow the suspension bridge into a chamber at the top of the cliff. Here you can find a couple of collectibles. On a stone ledge over to the left you can find The Cult's Promise from the artifact collection "Subjugating Paititi" (7/8). You are rewarded with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Relic (25/28): Just a bit further to the right, on the ground, you can find a small box. Inside you will find the relic Map of Search Areas from the artifact collection "Trinity" (/10). You are rewarded with +25 XP. It contains hidden information. Zoom in to find Paititi marked on it. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Archivist Map (4): Over on the right side, on a stone slab you can find an Archivist Map which will add more documents to your map. You are rewarded with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Document (33/42): To the right of the Archivist Map you will find the document Cult of Kukulkan from the artifact collection "Cult of Kukulkan" (8/11). You are rewarded with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) On the floor to the right of the stone slab you can find a resource container with +15 XP. Head back across the suspension bridge to return to the rock formation in the centre of the stream.
Monolith (7/7) Yucatec: Head down the stairs to find another Yucatec monolith on the right. You have obtained XP for spotting it much earlier, when climbing around at the base of the structure. Now study the monolith to obtain another +25 XP and the hint A once ferocious warrior, raised as a warning. I fell from his mouth and now lie beneath him. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Monolith Riches Survival Cache (25/34): Head over to the other side of the stairs and look down. Use a rope arrow to remove the barrier and head down. Make your way out to the right, onto the outcrop. In front of the mask on the spear you can dig up the Monolith Riches. You will obtain +50 XP and some rare resources. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) Head back up the stairs to return to the monolith.
Now run across the rope bridge, following the path Unuratu has taken.
Survival Cache (26/34): Before we continue, let's grab the last collectibles in this district of Paititi. Turn around to face the bridge and head over to the edge to the right of it. [Screenshot] Hang from the ledge and traverse to the left. [Screenshot] At the end climb down the craggy wall and rappel down. [Screenshot] Turn left and swing to the ledge there. At the left edge you can dig up the next survival cache for +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Crypt (3/5) "Qispi, the Merchant": Find the opening in the cliff wall at the back on the right and crawl inside. Follow the tunnel and duck through the opening. Slide down to reach the bottom. In the passage you can find a resource container with +15 XP on the left. Get down into the next chamber.
Document (34/42): Immediately on the right you will find the document Reconnaissance from the artifact collection "The Resistance" (/9). It will improve your knowledge of Quechua and reward you with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Resource: Also on the right you can find a pile of jade ore (+6) and there is an optional mural on the left.
Step through the opening to reach a shaft leading down. Double-jump towards the contraption which will take you down safely.
Speak of the Dead (2/4): You will land by the next Sarcophagus which you will find to the left. Open it to obtain 750 gold pieces, Vestige: Yaway's Wooden Greaves and +135 XP.
Over to the right is another resource container with +15 XP. Head into the passage where you can collect an endurance plant. Before you reach the stone arch behind which there is a trip wire attached to a spear trap, find the narrow opening in the right wall. Squeeze through to avoid the passage with the two spear traps. Collect the jade ore (+6) by the burner. Then duck under the low wall on the left. Emerge at the end. Ignore the passage on the left and instead turn right and follow the passage into a chamber.
Document (35/42): On the rack on the left side you can find the document Crime and Punishment from the artifact collection "Cult of Kukulkan" (9/11). You are rewarded with +25 XP and improve your knowledge of Yucatec. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Mural (19/23): Over on the right side you will find the mural Qispi, the Merchant from the artifact collection "Resting Places" (6/8).It will improve your knowledge of Quechua and reward you with +35 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Break through the weak wall to the left of the mural. Jump over the spear pit and then cut the rope to disarm the spear trap in the next part of the passage. Duck through underneath and jump across the next spear pit. Crawl into the low passage. You come out in a high chamber where you can climb. Turn around to face the western wall. Left and right of the passage where you entered you can see wooden hatches which you can close using rope arrows. [Screenshot] Close either one, then scramble up the wall, using the handholds to reach the platform above the door. Here you can find a resource container with +15 XP. Turn to face the wall to the left of the ledge you are currently on and use a rope arrow to close the hatch there. [Screenshot] Then hop onto the dangling cage. From here jump towards the crevice in the wall and traverse to the left end, jumping across the gap on the way. Climb up to the closed hatch and then scramble up. Look to the right and jump to the next handhold there and climb to the right end. From there jump to the right to reach the beam. Climb to the right and pull up. Look to the north-west wall and close the two hatches you can see there using rope arrows. [Screenshot] Get to the end of the wooden walkway and jump towards the wooden beams at the wall. Climb up and to the right and there jump towards the first closed hatch. Scramble up to the top of the hatch and jump to the right towards the second hatch. Again scramble up. At the right end jump towards the beam. Balance across and jump to the dangling cage.
Resource: Jump towards the ledge in front of you. Climb up to the left. In the niche you will find a vein with gold ore (+6). Jump back to the dangling cage.
Face the western wall, which is to the left of the beam. Jump towards the craggy wall there and use the axe to grab hold. Climb up and pull into the opening at the top. Crawl along the passage and drop down. You are back in the chamber from the beginning. Head into the tunnel. Turn to the right brick wall and scramble up. Here use a rope arrow to close the next hatch. [Screenshot] Climb the wooden beams below the hatch and perform a double jump to reach the upper ledge. Jump up and attach to the craggy wall. Climb around to the left and up. At the end of the tunnel tear down the barricade. Jump over to the opening on the other side and pull into the narrow passage. Follow it out and crawl through the opening to return to the outside. Jump towards the craggy wall and use the grapple axe to hold on to it. Climb up to reach the ledge. Traverse to the right and pull up onto the platform.
Follow Unuratu up the stairs into the tunnel and all the way up to the closed door.
Lara and Unuratu will try to open the door but only Unuratu manages to slip through. After Lara hears struggle on the other side of the door, she will find that Unuratu has found a serpent guard outfit for herself and a key.
After the cutscene Lara will have obtained a photo of the The Silver Box of Ix Chel from the artifact collection "Lara's Notebook" (8/11). Follow Unuratu up the stairs. On the first landing, on the left, you can collect another resource container with +15 XP. At the top of the stairs you will come to a locked door which Lara will open with the newly-obtained key. In the chamber she reaches is another resource container with +15 XP. Head further up the stairs, following Unuratu outside.
Resources: At the top turn right and make your way to the back, down the stairs. On the left side you can find a resource container with +15 XP and some medicine. Get back up and search the area on the right for a perception plant, some medicine and a resource container with +15 XP.
Head up the stairs on the left side where you can witness a sacrifice. Follow Unuratu, making your way through the throng of people and towards the door on the right side. Lara will give the two guards the password and she and Unuratu are allowed entrance. You will obtain +150 XP.

Reach the Tomb of Sinchi Chiqa

Head down the stairs on the left. At the bottom scramble up the wall right in front of you. Inside the pool you could collect three medicine and two endurance plants. From the slightly elevated pedestal on the left side you can jump to the craggy wall of the giant statue. Climb up to grab the ledge and traverse to the left and around the corner. Here you scramble up the side of the statue to reach the top ledge. Climb over to the right to reach the statue's hand to which you jump up. Climb a little to the right and pull up onto the hand. Look at the hook attached to the statues headgear. Use the grapple axe on this to swing to the other hand. Grab the ledge then shimmy to the right end and pull up. Turn left to face the back wall. Jump over there and use the grapple axe to hold on to the ledge. Climb up to enter the chamber.

Explore the Tomb of Sinchi Chiqa

The first chamber offers some optional altars to explore. Further there is a crate with salvage and two resource containers with +15 XP each in this ante chamber. Follow the stairs up. In the next chamber you can find an optional mural, two vessels with fat and another resource container with +15 XP. Step through the door on the left to enter the actual tomb.
Lopez left a clue. "The Heart of the Serpent is in the Cup. Unuratu and Lara are attacked and Unuratu dies at the hands of Commander Rourke.
You will obtain +100 XP.

Defeat the Cultist Warriors

While the cultists spread out to search for Lara you will obtain the photograph of the Stone Cup from the artifact collection "Path of the Stars" (7/8). Since you only have your bow during this fight, try to remain hidden from view and take down your opponents stealthily from the patches of vegetation. Take care not to be seen by the one who occasionally walks up onto the platform to keep watch. If you've been spotted, try to use the stairs on the sides to get some distance between you and your opponent. When they get close and initiate melee combat, don't forget to evade to get the chance for a counter attack. You can also hide at the vine wall on the southern side of the yard. Also use the explosive vases or Lure Arrows to your advantage, or turn fallen enemies into poisonous traps.

Find Jonah

After all enemies have been dealt with and looted, leave through the gate at the opposite end of the yard from the tomb (south).
Lara makes a promise to Etzli after handing him the leader's amulet, then she and Jonah set off to return to Kuwaq Yaku. En route they are attacked by a Trinity helicopter.
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 31 Oct 2018, 15:30
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