Wednesday, 19. February 2025    


Nevada - 1. Nevada Desert

Gaming Time: 50 Minutes Finds: 1 weapon Uzi, 3 secrets

Way Up

Shoot the two vultures. Go to the right and shoot the snake behind one of the bushes. Avoid the area on the left, as there is a quicksand pit. Enter the narrow passage on the right. In the right corner is another snake hiding behind a bush. Kill it and collect the grenades. Cross the puddle. Turn right and get into the passage there. Follow the path. Before climbing up, push the block on the left once. Collect the shotgun ammo lying underneath. Now climb further up. At the top, make a running jump over the first gap.
Secret (1): Turn around and hang from the ledge of the second pit. Shimmy to the right, then let go. Shoot the two snakes. Now collect the flares, the small medipack and the crystal. In the left part of the cave, you'll find another snake. Shoot it as well. Push the stone block out of the way. Step back outside and climb up again. Again, make a running jump over the first pit.
Now make a running jump to get over the second pit as well.

Climbing on the Stone Ledges

Climb up. Go along the right side of the metal building. (A jet will pass you overhead.) At the end of the platform, make a running jump over the canyon. Grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Run along the platform. Behind the bush is another snake. Kill it as well. Jump to the next platform on the left. Follow it and jump over the next gap. At the end of this platform, take a running jump to get to the next platform deeper down. Follow it as well. Go down the step and into the alcove on the right. Pick up the large medipack.

Metal Structure

Climb the last step again. Turn right and take a running jump towards the rocks. Grab the ledge and climb up. You have to make a jump over the first ledge. Shoot another snake. Now run along the middle walkway and onto the metal structure. Drop into the opening. Dive along the passage and to the left. Climb out of the water onto the platform on the left. Follow the path.

Canyon with Waterfall

Outside make a running jump to the little platform on the right. Walk towards the next edge. Make a standing jump to grab the ledge of the higher platform. Climb up. Turn left and make a running jump onto the longer platform. At the end climb higher up. Shoot the vulture. Jump onto the higher pillar and climb up.

Turn and make a running jump to the next higher platform. Pull up. Collect the Uzi-Ammo. (You can take a look at what awaits you on the other side of the canyon. There is a walkway and a snake.) Jump back down onto the previous platform.

Turn left. Make a running jump to the wall on the opposite side. Grab the ladder there.
Secret (2): Climb down the ladder. When you've reached the gap, let go and grab the ladder underneath. Climb further down. Again, at the gap let go and grab the lower ladder. Now hang from the top ledge, with your feet dangling. Shimmy right. Pull up into the chamber. Collect the Desert Eagle Ammo and the MP5 Ammo. Leave the chamber again.

Jump into the water. Collect the Uzi-Ammo, the Shotgun Ammo and some more Uzi-Ammo from the ground. Dive towards the waterfall. Dive into the left corner and pick up the Flares. Now dive into the right corner and pick up the Shotgun Ammo.

Swim towards the surface and climb onto the platform. From there climb further up onto the pillar. Turn right and make a running jump over to the other side. (Do not grab the ledge.) Again, turn right. Make another running jump onto the next platform. Slide down to the left. Collect the Shotgun Ammo. Make a sidesault back onto the previous platform. Make a running jump back to the platform with the ladder. Grab the ledge and pull up. Climb the ladder. Shimmy to the left. Again, make your way along the platforms on the right. Climb the pillar again, jump back over to the other side and grab the ladder.

The Higher Platforms

Climb up the ladder. Follow the platform there to the left. Jump over the gap onto the next platform. Pull up towards the bush. Shoot the snake hiding behind it. Again, follow the platform. Turn right and jump onto the next. Hang backwards from the left ledge. Let go and immediately grab the lower ledge. Shimmy left. Pull up at the end. Walk towards the left edge. Jump straight up and hold on to the ceiling. Monkey climb towards the ladder. Let go and then grab the ladder.

A Short Detour

If you climb up here, you'll find a detonation device. But you'll need a key to use it. This is what we have to collect now, so climb down. If you want to you can already collect the small medipack.

The Water Wheel

Climb from the ladder onto the platform on the left. Follow it. Jump towards the ladder. Climb up. At the end, make a backsault. From this platform, make a standing jump towards the sloped block. Pull up. You will slide down. Jump onto the platform at the wall. Collect the small medipack in the niche. Climb back onto the platform. Go towards the edge furthest away from the wall. Make a standing jump towards the gap right of the niche. Hold on and shimmy to the right. Slide down onto the platform. Make a backsault to land on a safe platform. Turn right and jump onto the next platform. Follow it and make a running jump onto the next one on the other side of the stream. Run towards the shore.
Secret (3): Crawl into the gap underneath the rocks on the left. There is a place where Lara can stand upright. Climb up the ladder. Leave it to the left or with a backflip. Kill the snake. Then collect the Uzis. Climb back down and leave the chamber.
Run along the shore. Shoot the snake behind the next rock. (On the left is a passage, keep that in mind for later.) Run past the water wheel. Shoot the worker.

At the end of the shore make a running jump to get to the other side of the stream. In the left corner is a sloped platform. Make a sidesault to get onto it. (PIC!) Make a running jump to get onto the next platform. Turn left and make another running jump. Now make a running jump towards the ledge of the pillar. Hold on and climb up. Turn left. Make a standing jump into the niche behind the waterfall. Collect the rockets. Make a standing jump back onto the pillar. From the edge, make a standing jump back onto the platform in the water. Make a running jump back to the platform on the left and then onto the rock on the right. Climb back down and jump back to the other side of the stream.

Above the Water Wheel

Climb up the two ladders at the water wheel. Run along the passage to the right. Shoot the vulture. Turn left and jump over to the other side. Shoot the snake in the corner. Shoot another vulture.

Jump into the water. Dive towards the right. On the right wall is a lever in front of a ledge. Use it. Turn and dive into the opened alcove behind you. Collect the Desert Eagle ammo. Return to the shore.

Jump past the two little waterfalls to get to the other side.

Enter the passage between the cliff. Shoot another snake. Collect some grenades. Run back to the water.

Trigger for the Lift

Jump into the water and pull the lever in the corner. (1st picture) This will open the passage between the two yellow pillars. Dive into that passage. On your way down you will find a lever on the wall just above your head. (2nd picture) Use it to open the door at the end of the tunnel. Follow the path to the right and use another lever on the right wall. This will open a door in the passage above. Follow the tunnel further and swim towards the surface. Run towards the switch at the other end of the passage. Use it to bring up the lift in the cliff down by the water wheel and to redirect the current.

The Lift

On your way back, slide down the chute into the water. Climb out.

Follow the passage along the right side of the now dry riverbed. At the end, jump down. Collect the large medipack on the left. On the ledge is another small medipack. Take a running jump towards the small medipack and hold on to the ledge just underneath. Pull up and pick up the medipack. Jump back to the other side. Jump up to the walkway on the left.

Now follow the walkway back to the ladders at the waterwheel. Climb back down. Run around the water wheel and enter the passage on the right. Shoot the worker. Collect the crystal and the Detonator Switch.

Way to the Detonation Device 1 - shortcut

Jump into the water and swim towards the waterfall. Swim to the right. Before you drop down, if you are lucky Lara will land on a platform instead of dropping down. (If it wouldn't work, continue with Path 3.) Turn right to face the other side. Position on the right side - otherwise Lara will bump her head - make a running jump to the middle part of the platform with the ladder and grab the ledge. Walk towards the right edge and jump towards the ladder. Climb up.

or: Way to the Detonation Device 2 - long

Jump into the water and swim towards the waterfall. Swim to the right. Before you drop down, if you are lucky Lara will land on a platform instead of dropping down. (If it wouldn't work, continue with Path 3.) Continue onto the higher pillar on the right. Monkey climb along the ceiling to get back to the entrance platform. Take the way from the beginning again, till you reach the ladder leading up. Climb up the ladder. (See "Detour".)

or: Way to the Detonation Device 3 - down the waterfall

Jump into the water. Swim towards the waterfall and drop down into the pool. Climb up like before, till you reach the ladder leading up. (If you haven't been here before have a look at Secret 2 and Goodies!) Climb up the ladder. See "Detour".)

Detonation Device

After you've reached the top, collect the small medipack in the left corner.

Before using the detonation device slide down the slope on the right. Collect the flares in the passage behind the TNT crate. Climb back up. You can get past the slope by making a backflip.

Now use the detonation key on the box. Make a sideflip to the left to avoid a boulder.

Climbing after the detonation

Slide down the hill. Climb onto the highest block in the chamber on the left. (1)

Make a running jump to grab the ledge of the platform at the back wall. (2) Pull up.

Turn around and make a running jump onto the triangle platform. (3)

Make a standing jump onto the long stretched platform. (4)

Climb up into the gap. Crawl outside and slide down.

Water Chamber

In the bush on the right, you'll find some grenades. Run around the fences area to the left. Run ahead and enter the passage. Follow it. You will come to a place where you can climb down, at the same place you can also climb up. Jump towards the upper ledge. Hold on to it and climb up. Climb further up to the right. Jump into the water. Use the lever at the metal pillar. (This will open a shed outside.) Dive into the passage and use another lever. This will open a door in the water tower, which is behind the door in the passage. You cannot get in there from here but if you've forgotten this lever, you can return here from the water tower.) Dive back into the air hole. Follow the path back out. (Remember: Do not follow the lowest passage, follow the one you came.)

The Shed

Run back, till you come to the slope on your left. Slide down. Shoot the two snakes in the bush. Enter the open shed and use the lever you'll find there. (It will fill the water tower with water.) Get back outside and climb back up. (You can get past the slope by making a sideflip from the block on the right.) Again, enter the chamber on the right.

Water Tower

Drop into the lowest passage. Crawl out into the open. Shoot the two workers. Climb up the ladder to get into the tower. Jump into the water. (If the tower is not filled with water, you might have forgotten one of the levers in the shed or in the water chamber.) Swim towards the other opening. (If you've forgotten to open that door, you have to dive into the water chamber and use the lever there.) Climb out of the water and make a running jump to get over the fence.

Behind the Fence

Turn right and run around the corner. Shoot the two guys. Run towards the back of the area. On the right is a storage room with a quad bike. Shoot two guys in there. One loses a small medipack. Behind the crates on the right, you can find some Uzi-Ammo. Now get onto the quad bike. Take it out and turn left. Drive up the ramp onto the roof. Park it there. (You have to be very careful or the quad bike will drive down on the other side of the roof.) Collect the Generator Access for the generator room. Take the quad bike back down.

Generator for the Electrical Fence

Enter the Pool-Room. Another guy is coming in from behind. Use the card in the office on the right in the back. Enter the chamber and use the switch to deactivate the electrical fence. Get back out. Drive the quad bike toward the gate. Step down and open the gate with the switch. (If you haven't collected and used the access card, you will be toasted.) Drive the quad bike outside and to the left. Take it down the slope on the right. Speed over the rocks towards the fence.
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 03 May 2024, 16:25
by tombraidergirlnext
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