Wednesday, 19. February 2025    


2. Venice

Task:Open the Boathouse and the door in the water-canal. Use the lock to reach the second part.

Here you have to detonate the mines and open the main gate at the end (which is timed). Gaming Time: 25-30 minutes Finds: 3 Secrets: 3, 1 Weapon (Automatic Pistols)

1st Switch

Turn around and follow the path. Draw weapons and shoot the dog. Run towards the left wall, turn around and shoot the killer on the balcony. Follow the passage. Kill the dog and the next brawler. He loses a small Medi Pack. Jump into the river and dive under the boathouse gate. Behind it swim to the surface and push the button at the end. Dive back to the other side of the river and climb out.
Killer on the balcony
dive into the boathouse
Trigger in the boathouse

Rooftop: Boathouse Key

Walk into the building. Pick up the flares. And use the switch to get the trapdoor down. Follow the ladder. Leave it with a jump backwards before you reach the top. Push the second button to close the floor trapdoor and open the ceiling trapdoor. Use the next ladder to reach the roof. Shoot the window and climb into the building. Cross the hallway and climb out on the opposite side. Jump onto the red roof and from there towards the balcony. Take the Boathouse Key from the dead killer. (Assuming that you've killed him earlier on. If not, do so now.) Jump over the roofs back into the house. Turn to the right and shoot the dog. Follow the corridor which turns out to be a bridge. Push the switch at the end. Back in the hall shoot the window on the right and climb onto the sill.

Lever above the River

Climbing over canopies
Perform a running jump to reach the canopy on the other side of the river. Grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Jump from one canopy to the next till you reach the ledge in front of the niche with the lever. Pull the lever and jump pack into the river. Dive back into the boathouse and use the key. (The gate door at the river opens.) Dive back to the other side of the river and shoot the killer. He loses Automatic Pistols. Dive back to the boathouse and get into the motorboat.


Take the motorboat to the right and through the open door. Light a flare.
Opened gate.
Secret #1
Secret 1 (Silver Dragon):On the right side, in the dark is a little alcove. Take the motorboat very close and jump in. If the motorboat is to far from the edge Lara will fall into the water in that case swim there and pull yourself up. Pick up the Silver Dragon and the flares in the corridor.
Goodies: Use the ladder to climb down. Shoot the rats. Turn to the left. Light a flare. Jump into the water and dive in a straight line to find some more Uzi ammo under water. Return to the boat.
If you take the boat further you'll reach a waterfall. Drive down carefully.
Secret 2 (Golden Dragon):Jump out of the boat and collect the Golden Dragon lying on the ground in the middle of the pool.
Follow the next corridor. And turn left. Follow the path to the end. Drive the boat into the lock. Leave the boat and dive to the pier. Pull yourself up and kill the rats. Shoot the window and the killer behind it. He loses automatic ammo. In the left corner you will find shotgun shells. Pull the lever to activate the lock. Leave the room and use the ladder to climb up. Jump into the water and use the lever to open the big door. Get back into the boat. Here you can take a shortcut if you don't want to collect all items. You can learn more in the Expert's Challenge. I also provide a map of the next area.

Iron Key

Take the motorboat to the right. On the left is a jetty with a Killer. Jump onto the jetty and shoot him. He loses two packs of shotgun ammo and a large Medi Pack. Climb back into the boat and take it to the end of the passage. There turn right. (Image) Hop onto the jetty by the gondolas. The door opens and a brawler appears. Kill him. Run into the room and shoot the two rats. Activate the trigger on the left. Get out again.
Secret 3: Pull yourself up onto the bridge. (1st Image, below) Shoot the window and take the Jade Dragon.
Take the boat back through the narrow passage. Turn left. Shoot the killer on the pier to the right. Enter the room at the second pier. Pick up the Iron Key. Climb up on the right wall. In the room above a brawler and his dog are waiting. Kill both. Collect the Medi Pack. Pull the lever. Return to the motorboat. Take it to the left through the passage with the clothes lines. (3rd Image) Left again and then right, past the pier where the killer was.

Steel Key

Go straight on and then turn left. Again right. Jump into the water where the gondolas are. Pull yourself up onto the jetty. Climb onto the highest block. From there jump towards the canopy and grab the ledge. Pull yourself up. Draw weapons. Jump over to the bridge. Lurking on the left are a dog and another brawler. From the bridge you can also shoot another killer on a pier a bit further down. There's another killer in the courtyard to the right. He loses an Steel Key.


Use the steel key on the door to the left. Inside the building drop through the hole in the floor. Use the switch. Climb out again. Draw weapons and shoot the killer waiting outside. Return to the boat and take it through the gondolas at full speed. Go straight on towards the big gate. Jump out of the boat while at full speed shortly after you passed the second motorboat. (Your boat should go on all by itself and get the mines to detonate.) Climb onto the pier where the killer was. Use the other key on the door. Shoot another killer. Pick up the Medi Pack. Push the trigger.

Switch for the Maingate

Get to the second motorboat and take it through the narrow passage which was blocked by some doors. Turn left and head through the archway. Turn right and into the narrow passage on the left. Left again. Position your boat towards the big wooden ramp and jump out. Swim into the room behind you and shoot the killer. Push the trigger. Dive through the gap under the door to get back out again. (If Lara leaves the building through the window a countdown will start and the gate at the level end will close again soon.) Return to the boat. Take it over the ramp at full speed, straight on and through the narrow passage with the metal gates. Turn left and take the boat through the main gate.

Area Map

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by tombraidergirlnext
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