Wednesday, 19. February 2025    


33. Underneath The Sphinx

2 Bulls 2 Cages

Run down the hill. There is an open gate. Behind it, you will find a chamber with three buttons on the wall. In front of it are two stone bulls. On both sides are cages with levers. Run towards the bulls to trigger them. Now you have to get them to follow you to the cages. One to each side. Stand in front of the entrance to attract the bull then jump out of the way, to the side with the lever, so the bull will enter the cage. Use the lever to close the gate. The lever of the right cage is on the right side, the lever of the left cage is on the left side. If you are lucky, you can trap both bulls at once.

First Combination

Then run back towards the buttons. Turn left before you reach them. Lara will look at a Scrap Of Paper. Pick it up. Collect the flares as well. Now return to the buttons. Examine them as well as the scrap of paper. We have two feathers (?) facing right = I . Then we have a triangle = Q and we have a bird = A. Press the combination AIQ. (alphabetical order) A door opens. If you make a mistake, you have to reset the puzzle.


If you make any mistake while entering the combinations, you have to reset the riddle. The left door in the east wing will open. Step through. The gate will close behind you. Shoot a couple of bats. On the left side you can jump over the pit. Enter the tunnel. Turn either left or right. The traps in the two passages are the same. Out of the holes a little ball with blades will drop. And in the middle between them is a snapping blade on the floor. In the next passage, you can choose one of three paths. The passage in the middle has two snapping blades on the floor and the outer ones each have a stargate. Additionally there are blades in all three passages that slide along at waist-height. Get down to your knees to avoid them. Remember you can get past the stargates by rolling through while standing close. Get into the last passage and through the stargate there. Use the lever at the end then return to the entrance and get back to the buttons.

Getting the other Combinations

Turn around and go to the right (west). The door in the middle is open. Step through. On the right side, make a running jump over the pit. Shoot a couple of bats. On the right is the next pit. Step towards the edge on the left and make a running jump to land on the other side. Shoot some more bats. The next chamber has 4 shafts in different colours. If you look up into them, you can see different combinations.
Red (first one on the left):   Bird(A), Triangle(Q), Feathers(I)
Green (second on the left):   Triangle(Q), Feathers(I), Bird(A)
Blue (first on the right):   Feathers(I), Triangle(Q), Bird(A)
Purple (second on the right):   Triangle(Q), Bird(A), Feathers(I)
Turn around. On the right side, you can jump back onto the other side of the pit. At the second pit, you have to jump on the left side. Return to the buttons.
(Now choose which combination to do next. You have to complete all four of them. In each area, you will get a certain stone. Stone of Maat, Stone of Khepri, Stone of Re and Stone of Atum. With these, you have to return to the first area.)

Red Combination

Press Bird, Triangle, then Feathers. This will open the door in the west wing on the right. Enter the cave behind. The gate closes behind you. Shoot the two bats. Run towards the little ramp on the right side of the pit. Make a standing jump up. Make a running jump onto the platform at the back wall. Now jump up to the next level on the right. Shoot two more bats. Crawl into the passage on the left. Crawl to the left. If you follow the other passage up, you will come to a trap. Crawl ahead. On the right is another trap. Turn into the next passage on the left. Collect the Stone of Maat. Crawl back out. Now crawl into the gap on the right. Beware the platform at the end is a trap. Turn left before you reach it. Crawl up the next path on the right. (The other will lead to another trap.) At the end turn left. (On the right is another trap.) Follow the path to the end. Stand up and use the lever at the end. This will open the gate again. Crawl back out.
Secret 64: Crawl into the middle passage. Turn right. On the left is a trap. Drop through the collapsing floor at the end. Collect the grenade launcher. Climb back up and crawl out of the passage.
Return to the pit. Slide back onto the platform on the right. Make a running jump towards the platform you came from and leave the chamber again. Return to the buttons.

Green Combination

Press Triangle, Feathers, then Bird. The left door in the west wing will open. Step inside. The door will close behind you and a few bats will attack. On the left side you can make a running jump over the pit. Kill the four crocodiles down at the pool. On both of the walls, left and right, are two holes you can grab into to open a trapdoor in the middle of the pool. Drop into the little chamber and collect the Stone of Khepri. Climb back out and use the lever on the back wall to open the gate again. Return towards the pit. On your way back, a couple of bats will attack. It doesn't look that way, but on the right you can make a running jump back and grab the ledge of the rock there to get back to the other side. Leave the chamber and return to the buttons.

Blue Combination

Press Feathers, Triangle, then Bird. The middle door in east wing will open. Enter. The gate will close behind you. Shoot a couple of bats. You can jump over the pit on both sides. In the chamber you will find 9 holes you can grab into. But most of them are filled with scarabs. Grab into the third one on the left, the symbol is a snake facing to the right, to open the gate again. Then grab into the right one on the back wall, the symbol is a snake facing to the left, to get the Stone of Re. Jump back over the pit and return to the buttons.

Purple Combination

Now enter the purple combination. Triangle, Bird, Feathers. The right door in the east wing opens. Step into the chamber. Again, the gate closes behind you. Jump onto the lower platform on the right. (Do not slide down or you might drop into the pit.) Hang from the ledge and shimmy to the left. Shimmy around the corner and climb up onto the platform. Jump up the hill to come to a water hole. Jump into the water and dive down. You will find three passages. One on the left, one on the right and one in front. Dive into the passage in front. Then turn right. Dive down into the deep shaft. Dive into the left of the two passages. Follow it and dive deeper down at the end. Follow the passage to the Bird. There you can dive straight up. Climb out. Use the lever you'll find in that chamber. Dive back into the passage. Follow the path back up. At the next turn, follow the path ahead. Then turn left. Now follow this tunnel to the end. At the end, dive straight up. (On the ground of the shaft is a hand symbol.) Climb out of the water and pull the lever. Jump back into the water. Dive down to the ground. Follow the tunnel there to the left. On the left side is a snake symbol. Dive straight up and climb out of the water. Use the lever. Jump back into the water. Dive down the other passage. Turn left. Dive up into the shaft in the corner. Follow the passage there. Turn left. At the end, turn right. (If you need to catch some breath, dive up into the shaft on the end to catch some breath. This is the entrance. Dive back down and follow the left passage.) Dive up the shaft and turn right. There you'll find a feathers symbol. Dive up and climb out of the water. Use the lever on the wall. Jump back into the water and swim towards the platform ahead. Collect the small medipack. Now dive down into the shaft. Follow the path and turn left. (Again, if you need to catch some breath do so at the entrance.) Dive up into the shaft there. Follow the path. You will find a symbol with a snake with raised head. Dive up into that shaft. Climb out of the water. Collect the Stone of Atum and use the lever on the wall to open the gate. Jump back into the water. Dive down into the shaft. Follow the path on the right. Dive ahead and up into the opening. Climb out of the water. Step back towards the pit. Slide onto the platform on the left. Hang from the ledge and shimmy right. Pull yourself up at the end. Jump up the hill and exit the chamber.


Now run back into the first chamber. (The middle one in the west wing.) On the right side, make a running jump over the pit. Shoot a couple of bats. On the right is the next pit. Step towards the edge on the left and make a running jump to land on the other side. Use the four stone on the four niches. Each stone belongs into the niche under the shaft that has same colour as the stone. This will open the gate. Step into the passage. You will come to a deep pit on the left. The ceiling her is climbable. Jump up and grab. Monkey climb over to the other side. Let go and shoot the two bats. Step through the next door. Now you have to be quick. On the both sides are two alcoves with sculptures you have to collect. Start with the ones in front, then the ones on the back. Quickly collect the four Holy Scriptures. Now run through the open gate on the other side. Run into the next chamber. There are two snapping blades on the floor, one at the entrance one at the exit. Enter the next passage and jump up to the ceiling. Hold on and monkey climb over the pit. Let go on the other side and shoot the bats. Follow the passage up into the cave.
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 29 Aug 2018, 23:55
by tombraidergirlnext
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